Here for you, not the insurance company.

It’s time to make the SHIFT and take control of your health.

Shift Physical Therapy and Wellness is an out-of-network provider. For insured individuals, this means that we accept cash payments from the patient at the time of service and the patient may choose to submit for reimbursement from their insurance company. Our wellness model that accepts cash for our services allows patients to receive care without limitations or delays that insurance companies place on the insured.

At Shift Physical Therapy and Wellness, we are able to see you immediately. A cash pay model allows us to focus on one individual for an entire 60 minutes. We focus on YOU for the entirety of your treatment. Having this undivided attention from your provider gives you the best possible care which not only allows you to get better, faster but also saves you time and money long term.

Can I get reimbursed for services by my health insurance?

Excellent question! Many insurance companies allow you to submit for reimbursement when you receive “out-of-network'“ benefits. Each insurer has different requirements, but we assist you in providing any documentation you may need.

How can I pay for my visit?

We accept cash, check, and credit/debit cards. You may also use your HSA or FSA account for services.

Shift Physical Therapy and Wellness, Inc. is not a provider for Worker’s Compensation, Medicaid, or Medicare covered services.