Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: Understanding the Big Picture.

Also known as PCOS, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a condition that affects up to 12% of women according to the CDC. Other sites indicate that up to 20% of women in their reproductive years are affected by PCOS.

This blog article will not go in to details about the causes of PCOS or the scientific and biological components of PCOS. There are plenty of credible sites such as mayoclinic.org you can visit to obtain that information.

Instead, this blog article is going to detail some things you may not have been told regarding PCOS.

PCOS is a very complex condition and affects women differently. Some women experience issues with infertility, pelvic pain, menstrual inconsistencies, hormone irregularities as well as depression and anxiety. Many women experience all the above.

What you might not have been told is that PCOS can create a lot of tension and stress held in the pelvic region leading to chronic pelvic pain and pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. This can create symptoms of urinary frequency or urgency as well as pain with bowel movements and pain with sex.

I was unfortunately not surprised to see that article, after article regarding treatment for PCOS did not mention Physical Therapy as an option to help manage pain associated with PCOS and pelvic floor dysfunction that comes with it. Many articles addressed weight loss and an increase in activity however they are missing the BIG PICTURE when it comes too managing symptoms of PCOS.

It can be very hard to start a weight loss program that consists of changing dietary habits but also begin to exercise when you are in pain. That is where a Pelvic Floor Specialty Physical Therapists (like the ones we have here at Shift Physical Therapy and Wellness) can help.

Not only can your Pelvic Floor Therapist assist with some of the things causing your pain, but also provide you with nutrition guidance and appropriate activities that will be right not only for your pelvic floor but for YOU as a whole.

It’s important for you to advocate for yourself and know that there are additional resources available to help you manage PCOS. Shift Physical Therapy and Wellness can provide you with the tools you need to take control and regain your confidence.

If you have more questions regarding your experience with PCOS and how pelvic floor therapy can help you, please reach out by phone, email, or complete a free consultation form.

Now is the time to make the SHIFT.

Phone: (763) 645 -1113
Email: info@shiftptwell.com
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Written by: Jackie Giese, Physical Therapist Assistant


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